The Crescent Parklands team has lodged a Planning Proposal with the Sydney Central City Planning Panel. The proposal seeks to amend the zoning of the Holroyd Local Environmental Plan (LEP) to facilitate a mixed-use development, comprising residential, supporting retail, commercial, community uses and open space.
Four defined zones comprising:
R4 High Density Residential
B4 Mixed Use
RE1 Private Recreation
SP2 Infrastructure.
An increase in building heights from 15 metres to between 32m – 96m.
An increase in floor space ratio (FSR) from 1:1 to 2.98:1 across the entire site.
The Crescent Parklands team has lodged a Planning Proposal with the Sydney Central City Planning Panel. The proposal seeks to amend the zoning of the Holroyd Local Environmental Plan (LEP) to facilitate a mixed-use development, comprising residential, supporting retail, commercial, community uses and open space.
A planning proposal is a document that seeks to change the zoning permitted at a site – called ‘rezoning’. A Planning Proposal does not grant approval to build. A Development Application is still required following approval of a rezoning.
That proposal will soon go on public exhibition. Following exhibition, a final decision will be made by the Sydney Central City Planning Panel. The panel is a mix of Council and state appointed members.